I think this is like the longest I’ve gone without blogging (on any of my blogs).  I sort of have an excuse though.  I was out of the country for half of the month and now I have lots of blogging to do on that.  Well, I’m happy to be back and away from Cambodia’s scorching weather.  I was so relieved to breathe in cooler and fresher air.  Speaking of the weather I think the seasons here are having an identity crisis.  I loved that we skipped winter and  spring came super early this year, but right now it feels more like winter!  We had two engagement shoots this past weekend (luckily no rain) and I always feel so bad for our couples when it’s cold, windy, or wet.  I mean we have the easy job since we’re not the ones trying to look good and comfortable.  The feeling quickly disappears though when our clients tell us later how much fun they had.  I’m always happy and glad to hear that despite the rain, wind or cold.  It means we accomplished part of our job :).

The return of cold air is totally reminding me of Christine &  Jeff’s engagement session.  It was freezing that day!  It’ll be a totally different atmosphere exactly two weeks from today when we arrive in Cancun for their destination wedding.  I’m so excited, but I’m not yet ready to get onto a plane again.

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